3 Signs on How to Tell If Your CPU is Dying and How To Fix It in 2025

By: Editorial Team

Your computer is an expensive piece of machinery, so naturally, you want it to last as long as possible. But even the most dependable and well-built computer will eventually show signs of age.

Fortunately, there are a number of red flags you can watch for that will let you know if your CPU is about to die. If you’re ready for the end? Keep reading!

Signs of a Dying CPU

  • If your computer starts to freeze up on a regular basis, or if you notice that it takes a long time to start up, there’s a good chance your CPU is dying. 
  • If your computer becomes slow after being on for a while, this could be an indication that your CPU is running low on power and needs to have the cooling fan speed lowered. 
  • If the temperature of your computer increases significantly when you’re just browsing for some time, chances are that the CPU is overheating and needs to be cleaned or changed.

Keep an eye out for these signs in case they happen!

Commons Causes of CPU Death

The following are some of the most common causes of CPU death


The CPU is one of the most essential components on your PC. It’s also one of the most vulnerable, as it can be killed by age or heat.

The lifespan of a CPU is limited by the number of years used and its internal thermal design. The higher its operating frequency, the more heat it generates and the shorter its lifespan becomes.


One of the most common causes of CPU death is overheating. Overheating your CPU can cause it to throttle and damage the CPU, resulting in a sudden loss of performance.

The best way to avoid overheating is to make sure you have enough ventilation space in your PC case or laptop.

If you don’t have enough free ventilation space in your PC case or laptop, you should at least take precautions against heat build-up.


Overclocking causes your CPU to run at a higher frequency than it’s supposed to. This can result in high temperatures and thermal throttling if not properly cooled. High temperatures destroy your CPU slowly over time.

Is Overclocking Worth it?

Malfunctioning Capacitor on the Motherboard

If your PC just dies out of the blue, it’s probably because of a malfunctioning capacitor on the motherboard. This is most likely caused by a power surge.

If this happens, it’s important to replace the capacitor before trying to restart your PC.

If your PC won’t turn on and you were using it when it died, make sure you back up all data from the hard drive before attempting to do anything more drastic.

Power Surge

A power surge can fry your CPU because it has taken more power than it was designed for. This short-circuits the system destroying not only your PC but also other components.

How To Increase CPU Lifespan

Unfortunately, once your CPU is dying, there’s not a whole lot you can do to fix it. After all, a dying CPU will continue to die until it’s replaced.

With that said, there are a few things you can do to extend its lifespan.

  • One of the best ways to increase your CPU’s lifespan is to properly clean your CPU fan. If you don’t clean your CPU fan regularly, it can accumulate dust, dirt, and other debris. Over time, this could lead to a dying CPU.
  • Make sure that you regularly keep your CPU cool. While it may not seem like it would affect your CPU’s lifespan, keeping it cool can actually extend its lifespan. When your CPU is too warm, it can lead to a dying CPU as well as reduced performance. AIO/Liquid coolers are a great way to keep a CPU cool.
  • Undervolting and underclocking help increase CPU lifespan. Your CPU runs on a lower voltage and frequency making it generate less heat than usual leading to a longer lifespan.
  • Applying thermal paste is another way to increase CPU lifespan. Thermal paste increases thermal conductivity making it easier to get rid of the heat by the fans or liquid cooler. 

How To Fix a Dying CPU

Thankfully, if you’ve reached the conclusion that your CPU is dying. All you have to do is replace your CPU. If you’ve been experiencing the aforementioned signs, replacing your CPU is the best thing you can do for your computer.

Summary: How To Tell If Your CPU is Dying?

Old age, slow performance, crashes and high temperatures when on idle are common signs of a dying CPU. Unfortunately, you can’t do much when a CPU is nearing it’s lifespan.

You can only delay it. Therefore the best solution is to upgrade or buy a new CPU. 

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